Self Defense for Security

Dragon Academy of Martial Arts provides a comprehensive self-defense training program for private security agencies and individuals. The need for armed and unarmed close-quarter skills has increased due to the high probability of close contact in security-related situations. The academy’s training program is designed to provide supplemental training beyond basic security training.

Dragon Academy of Martial Arts provides essential supplementary training in close-quarters defensive tactics for private security agencies and individuals. As the likelihood of close contact, planned or incidental, increases, so does the need for armed and unarmed close-quarter skills. Our training goes beyond basic instruction and focuses on the unique circumstances faced by security personnel such as security guards, doormen, bounty hunters, and private detectives, who often deal with individuals that have little regard for authority. 

Our training equips you to deal with compliant, noncompliant, and combative subjects while ensuring the appropriate and justifiable use of force. Our curriculum emphasizes the progressive development of individual and unit close-quarter combat skills through a 12-step modular training program, known as The Self Defense Training System, developed over decades of close-quarters combat experience. We provide all the instruction, tactical training drills, and support necessary for individuals and teams to learn remotely.